
Monthly Reports

Realidad y Perspectivas del Sistema Bancario Argentino

August 2005
El sistema bancario ha mejorado significativamente, desde el comienzo de la crisis, los indicadores de liquidez, rentabilidad, solvencia, al mismo tiempo que está aumentando el volumen de crédito al sector privado. Los bancos alcanzaron un ROA ajustado de 0,8% en el 2004, es decir, sin considerar las pérd...

A review of the 2004 economy and the prospects for 2005

December 2004
The debt restructuring is back on track. The public debt restructuring process seems to be once again on track as the government finally agreed to hire the Bank of New York as the exchange agent in the transaction. While it is unfortunate the way in which the BoNY was first fired and then hired, and that the gov...